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Blood and Uremia

Author:  Joanne D Pittard MS

Earn (30) Contact Hours

Hemodialysis Nursing by Joanne D Pittard MS, RNThis is still the definitive reference for blood elements in end stage renal disease (ESRD). Anticoagulant therapy, heparin, erythropoietin therapy and many of the complications associated with accessing the arterial and venous blood compartments of the human body are covered. This monograph contains medical and nursing material unavailable in other single medical, nursing, or technical book. Dr. John R. De Palma was intimately involved in the research and writing of this monograph*.

ISBN 1‐892265‐02‐8. 1st Edition 2000.

$100.00 plus $15.00 S & H. California Residents please add 10.25% state tax to purchase price.

How to Receive Thirty (30) Contact Hours:

  1. Read the objectives, introduction and the entire monograph.
  2. Take the Dialysate post-test located in the back of this book. Fill in your answers on the enclosed Scantron answer form using a #2 pencil. Do NOT use ink. We have converted all post-test answers to the Scantron format.

  3. Fill in the required information on the registration form located after the posttest. Please complete the monograph evaluation on this form.

  4. You will be notified of your test results in 4 weeks or less. If you pass, Hemodialysis, Inc. will award a certificate for earned contact hours. If you fail the test, you may submit another answer form within thirty (30) days with no surcharges.

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* A monograph is a writing, either in essay or book length, on a single or specific subject.