Hemodialysis Nursing Syllabus 7th Edition Author: Joanne D Pittard MS, RN
unique book contains No
Contact Hours. It is a superb educational instrument for educators
who teach students to care for ESRD patients. This 7th edition contains
over five hundred and sixty (560) pages. This book distills into one
resource, the knowledge and experience acquired in over thirty (30) years
of teaching. It contains: course outline, lecture objectives, elemental
lecture content, recommended readings for thirty-four (34) lectures. There
is an extensive appendix, glossary and hundreds of graphics drawn in
PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop especially for this book. The majority of
the book pages are formatted as PowerPoint presentation handouts of the
course material. Known by the cognoscenti as the "Big Book," it
is bound with a spiral of brilliant red anodized aluminum. The cover is a
full-color graphic covered with water-resistant, laminated plastic.
$230.00 plus
$ 15.00 S & H. California
Residents please add 9% State tax to purchase price.